words of acknowledgment

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julia samiotes

a college babe trying to learn self love

I took to the leap to go on this retreat so that I could take control over who I am and what I do. I have lived my life doing what I think will please others and this retreat was unapologetically for myself.

During this retreat I learned that I have never truly loved myself. I couldn’t sit in silence and completely still with myself and not be disappointed.

Since returning home I know I’m a fucking babe and deserve the world. All of the beautiful people on this retreat helped me see that I deserve everything I want in this world and it’s in my power to get it.


victoria bassi

filling my days with growth, connection and anything sweet I can find

from the start, C&M made the week a collaborative process, leaving it up to each person to shape their experience; they offered the perfect balance of structure and open space and time for us to soak it all in. These two have this gift of cultivating pure love and connection; with every outing, class or conversation, I came out feeling seen, challenged and supported.

This safety net gave me the space to dig deeper and find that I’d wasted so much time seeking answers and validation from others, when in reality that all needs to come from me. And let me tell you, realizing that has been so fucking empowering.

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jen samiotes

badass mom learning to slow down

I went on the retreat because I love both these girls and needed to reconnect with happiness during the crazy year that we had - and because my girl julia wanted to join me and I knew it would be the amazing experience it was for us.

as an ICU nurse, covid took a toll on my joy level and the CR trip definitely refilled it. Upon return I have prioritized healthy eating and yoga and choosing the joy. Slowing down is OK and everyone has a story worth listening to. My favorite part of the trip was the sunset yoga sessions and the journaling.